Ashot Avagyan
Armenian artist, lives and works in Sisian, Armenia. Born in 1958 in Sisian, Armenia. In 1981 graduated from the College of Fine Arts after P. Terlemezyan, Yerevan, Armenia. From 1981-2016 taught at Children’s Art School of Sisian.
The cultural heritage of Avagyan’s homeland is a ground for his artistic reflections. Through interpretation and imitation of art from the Neolithic petroglyphs to Middle Age stone grave iconography, the artist seeks for new perspectives of perception of the world. Besides transposing the conceptual and artistic elements of petroglyphs and middle age Armenian iconography to the surface of canvas, he integrates conceptual aspects into performances in an attempt to create a bridge between the past and present.
2017-April 2016, ‘Whore’s Stocking’ military position, Sargis Muradyan Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
2015-Mashtots, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Bourj Hammoud, Lebanon
2015-Untitled, German Embassy in Armenia, Yerevan, Armenian
2013-The inheritor of the heritage, Zvartnotc historical-cultural reserve-museum, Armenia
2013-48 th ‘Salon de peinture de la ville de Montelimar’, Hotel de Ville, Montelimar, France
2012-Untitled, Consulate of the Republic of Armenia, Los Angeles, USA
2012-Mashtots 1650, Abrahamyan Art Center, Yerevan, Armenia
2011-Untitled, Matenadaran (Institute of Ancient Manuscripts), Yerevan, Armenia
2010-Untitled, Embassy of the United States, Yerevan, Armenia
2009-Untitled, Zhorats Karer, Sisian, Armenia
2008-Memories from previous life, Gevorgyan Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
2004-Magic double circle, Gevorgyan Gallery, Yerevan, Armenia
2000-The seven papers of Demiurge, Chamber Theater, Yerevan, Armenia
2019-Colors of freedom, Modern Art Museum of Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
2018-Armenian Artist Fair, Quadriennale of Lyon, Palais de Bondy, Lyon, France
2012-Armenian Artists in Firenze, Circolo Ufficiale di Presidio, Florence, Italy Armenian Artists in Scafati, Centro per la Cultura e le Arti, Scafati, Italy Untitled, Art World, Yerevan, Armenia
2011-Armeni, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, Rome, Italy S. Petrosyan and students, Museum of Modern Art, Yerevan, Armenia 20 years of Interdependency of the Republic of Armenia, National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2010-Armeni, Castel dell’Ovo, Naples, Italy Tigran the Great, National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2008-Generation freedom: Armenia’s new vanguard, InterArt Gallery, New York, USA The 6 th Gyumri International Biennale, Gyumri, Armenia
2007-Armenian landscapes in contemporary art, ewz-Unterwerk Selnau Kultur- und Eventhaus, Zurich, Switzerland Contemporary artists form Armenia, Armenian General Benevolent Union, Pasadena, USA From Ararat to Fuji, National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia Colors of Armenia, Armenian General Benevolent Union, Damascus, Syria